Recruitment Insurance

Recruiter’s can find that they have unique requirements when it comes to insurance and such as vicarious liability and contractual liability. Not every broker understands these requirements and how they can affect your business. At Wootton Taylor we have year’s of experience in finding the best covers for recruiters at the best price.

What is vicarious liability?

As a recruiter, vicarious liability can be one of the largest financial risks facing your business. If you place temps or contractors you may face claims made against you for injury to those temps or contractors , damage or injury caused by them and financial loss as a result of their professional negligence. This additional liability is referred to as vicarious liability and many insurance products made widely available to recruiters do not cover this which can leave you with some very hefty bills.

What is contractual liability?

If you ever sign contracts for work presented to you by your clients, you may be signing up to responsibilities and liabilities beyond what you would ordinarily hold under law. This is called contractual liability. As with vicarious liability, many insurance products do not cover this and understanding what you are liable for and therefore, what you need to insure can be very confusing. This is where we can help by working with you to establish what insurance best suits your needs.

Unlike many brokers specialising in recruiter’s insurance needs we are not tied in to a single insurance company meaning we can search the market and find the best cover for you at the best price.

We can help you arrange the following covers:

  • Professional Indemnity
  • Employer’s Liability
  • Public Liability
  • Vicarious liability for Public Liability, Employer’s Liability and Professional Indemnity
  • Contractual vicarious liability
  • Personal Accident and travel insurance for employees as well as temps and contractors
  • Office property insurance
  • Director’s and Officer’s Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Legal Expenses cover
  • Credit Insurance
  • Any other insurances as individually required

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